Monday, March 12, 2007

Global Warming Showdown

What's this blog? Well, here's the deal. Over at BlueOregon, whenever there's a post that has something even remotely related to global warming, climate change, Al Gore... there's these two commenters - Jim Karlock and Lin Qiao - that just can't resist getting into a foodfight with each other.

Oh yeah, they got bullet points, and research papers, and videos, and scientific yadda yadda... but the bottom line is that nobody else can get a word in edgewise.

So, here at the Great Global Warming Debate, JK and LQ can debate in the comments here to their heart's content. This blog will stay here forever - and they can just bang away wildly at their keyboards.

OK, Jim and Lin, you ready?

Here we go: Is global warming actually happening, caused by humans, and something we should all be worried about? Or is it a conspiracy of scientific fraudsters and liberal envirowackos intent on destroying the American way of life?



Anonymous said...

James Karlock was too chicken shit to show up for this. You're very considerate. I say that dust farting enviroterrorist should be hung by his balls and flogged! is where you can see the depth of his senile ramblings!

Brain Magic said...

It's not politics, it is just monopoly
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